Wednesday, March 3, 2010

110% !! no? how about 90? 75..

You know the ones who study ahead of time rather than the night before, who read the book diligently, who settle for nothing less than an A? Yeah, that's not me. Not at all.

Unproductive is my middle name. I wish I tried harder. I wish I gave it my all. But I don't. I settle for what I can get at the very minimum. And that's not good. You never get ahead in life by sitting on your behind.

Oh, it was my birthday last week. I'm 20. Twenty. God that's such a weird thing to say. Usually people start denying their age when they hit 40 or whatever but I'm already jumping on that bandwagon.

I wish I would know my physics grade already. Something I feel confident in, he takes his sweet ass time. Figures.

Jae's on youtube! My twitter is freaking blowing up over this. This made my day, really. "Beautiful girls, all over the world" = ]

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