Wednesday, December 3, 2008

you, the hypocrite

You see someone taking their damn sweet time passing the crosswalk. Fury boils while you sit in your car, contemplating if you could get away with running them over. "Don't give me that smirk! You could be a fly on the windshield by now."

But now it's your turn. Park the car. Get out, & walk to class. Now YOU walk across the street, & this bastard in his used, American car gives you an ugly glare. "Please, like YOU'RE so important, a few seconds will kill ya.

Weren't you just that person in the car, evil-eyeing the pedestrian? Shaaaame.


These "implicit social norms." It's not common procedure to talk, or even make eye contact with the guy peeing next to you. But who told when you were growing up "Hey, when you use the urinal, DON'T TALK TO THE GUY NEXT TO YOU. IT'S WEIRD."

Social psychology seems interesting. Take the course? Nahh.


Queen of the PLTK said...

pltk i just knock them down with my hatred!

Aaron said...

i like the new layout.