Wednesday, December 3, 2008

call it in the air

Let's flip a coin. Heads: I leave things the way they are. Tails: Complete do-over. Aw shit, it's a two-headed coin.

Weed out the unnecessary, the rubbish. What's more trouble than it's worth, to hell with it. WILL it get better in time? ....damn crutch term. You mean so much in 3 monosyllabic words.

I do love this weather. The cold. A breeze, perfection. Sure enough, we'll have another hot flash by January.

Thanksgiving at my back, Christmas at my feet. Time needs to stop. I need a breather. Just time to...sleep. Sleep, wake, eat, slack, & sleep once again. Rich people have the life.

Finals, finals, finals. Fuck, fuck, fuck. J'ai besoin etudier. 现在. Ngu.

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