Friday, June 6, 2008

tick tock

The clock strikes 4:22 AM. Not that I can even hear it; I don't own a single clock that isn't digital. Go figure. Why am I still up? Sometimes the life of a night owl is rather mind-numbing. Sure I wish I could go to sleep blissfully and wake with the coming of day, but some of us aren't blessed with such benefits. Maybe if there was more to do in the night, well here anyways. So I hear in S. Korea many stores are open 24-7. That sounds pretty cool, actually. I could get something done to occupy my restless mind.

Anyways. So I got my new laptop. I'm so paranoid about it. Now I know how Kaylyn feels. I even wipe fingerprints and smudges off the front and screen with a cloth that came with it. Once I get something else new and shiny, I'll get over the laptop. I don't necessarily bitch to get what I want, but my methods of persuasion are really something else. I still don't always get my way though. Trust me, if I did, things would be a lot different right now.

Always on a deadline. Fuck. Even in summer I can't truly relax. A vacation sounds so extravagant at this point. Maybe a trip to Vietnam. Yeah, that'd be fun. Back to my father's communist roots. With all this crazy weather wreaking havoc on the world where is there to hide?

So my mom wishes she could get back together with my dad. No surprise. She always does this every time she breaks up with another schmuck. She's going through her 3rd divorce. Do I have any pity for her? Nope. She did this to herself. My father sacrificed his happiness for the sake of his children while my mother goes out whoring her life. Now she regrets it? Too damn bad. She has no idea my dad has a girlfriend anyways. She would shit a brick to find out that the woman lives in the same damn city she does. Maybe they know each other. There's only so many nail salons in the city.

So everyone has their secrets. I have one in particular. In a matter of time everyone will find out. I'm tired of keeping it. Let's just hope it's for the best these things are put out into the open.

Ne cachent pas de moi. Montre-toi. Je vais vous trouver assez tôt.

1 comment:

Isianya said...

Yeah, a shiny new laptop is a lot to worry about! You feel my pain. Haha.