Sunday, April 4, 2010

To the skies

I’ve flown plenty of times. I love it. I remember when I was a kid I lived for turbulence. That didn’t last. This is my first time flying alone though. I’ve always been accompanied by someone older, like my parents, to handle the tickets & checking in & whatnot. I don’t know why, but I feel excited. On my own. Checking my bag was an interesting experience. I really like doing baggage claim too, it’s like Where’s Waldo, but OH FUCK WHERE’S MY BAG MY STUFF WAS IN THERE SHIT WHAT IF IT WENT TO NICARAGUA?! Yeah, like that.
I’m sitting at the airport right now waiting for my flight. I love airports too. I really enjoy the atmosphere. It’s one of my favorite places to be. So many destinations, so many people, the opportunities are endless. (I’m typing this in word since WiFi is being retarded. Figures.) I’m in the “reading room” right now. There’s a kid’s playroom across the terminal with these arcade games, but I’m 20, I probably should just leave that alone. There’s also a smoking room that I wanted to go in just for the hell of it, but that’d be weird. Not being white or black, I’m already getting eyes from other people around me if I’m going to YOU-KNOW-WHAT a plane. Please, if anything, I don’t trust you people.
This airport is rather small, which bothers me, but at least it’s clean. I always like going into giftshops in airports, because they always have regional merchandise.
Speaking of small, my first plane is a teeny one. Fuck. That shit creeps me out. The bigger, the better. I’m used to riding Boeing 747s. Downgrade.
I think I failed my quiz today. Oh well. Everyone else sounded like they were effed in the a, so that makes me feel better. Bad grades united. I spoke to my advisor today. I showed him my potential schedule, & he shot that shit down but quick. “Statics, chem, math, & physics?? *click of red pen* “. Oh well, perhaps it’s for the best.
Yay for studs. Now to order the most ghettolicious blingified ones I can find.
My flight should be taking off in an hour. I wish this airport was more scenic though, so I’d have something cool to see. I like the New Orleans airport. & the Orlando one. I wanna see the Vegas one, I hear that’s really nice. Asian airports, *cringe*. Well no, I hear the Vietnam ones are really nice now. Still lots of FOB people roaming it though. Wait, they wouldn’t be FOBs, that’s they’re home turf. I’m the “rich American.” Ahah, guess again.
When I was walking through the security gate, I had to take my shoes off. I didn’t like that. I also had to take my laptop out, etc. Cumbersome. There was this really cute guy doing it next to me though. I wonder where he’s going. I wonder who he’s going to see. Hm.
I landed in Dallas about an hour ago, & I’m not as fresh as I was going in. Subway, everybody there is Mexican, huge shock. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to say oregano in Spanish. It’s really big here though, & nice =] . Samsung advertising up the ass here, but it’s very technologic and cool, with spinning tvs and a devoted Samsung Lounge, which was awesome, yet abandoned, but oh well. The tables were literal ads themselves, with cell phone models placed underneath & illuminated. One of them was mine, so I’m a winner. No free WiFi here as well, I fucking hate that. If not for my phone, I’d surely be raging. And you know what else? I found literally 4 men’s restrooms before I could find a water fountain to go with it. I’m sorry, I won’t buy a freaking coke just to have to throw it away. Uh-oh, time to board soon, ta.

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