Monday, September 22, 2008

4 scores....divided by 4


In the quad there's a fountain. It's nice but not that extravagant. L'auberge's is nicer. But in front of the fountain there's a metal plaque embedded into the ground. It says something about what will remain in that spot in 2076. I didn't really stop much to observe & study it. But it got my mind reeling. What IS going to be there? Will it be underwater? Demolished? Paved over? Or just that way it is?

Now the likes of me being alive in 68 years is unlikely to me. I'll probably commit suicide at the sight of my first grey hair. So I'm making a plan. I wholeheartedly want to follow through with this. In 20 years from this day-- September 22, 2008 -- I want to come back to that spot. Though possibly nothing substantial would have changed I figure, I still want to come back & see what remains, what was erected, & what will become of it.

I'm going to try to take a panoramic picture of the quad from that spot & when I return I to compare to see the changes & what used to be. Hmm.


Miss A to Z said...

this sounds like a good idea (:


I do not feel like thinking about the future.

Aaron said...

Please post before and after pictures. You are going to have this blog in 20 years right?