Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Dis water got more body den ME!"

Assembly. Fuck. Wake up at 7 in the morning after at most four hours of sleep. Drive in traffic infested Baton Rouge to LSU where there are fucking gates at every turn. Ugh, it's getting late so let's just park in the visitor's center. Walk, walk, walk. Where the fuck is it? Damn campus. Over 2000 acres. My feet thank me. Okay, I officially don't know where to go. Hey! A group. Oh well, follow them. It works. Get into a big assembly center. Maybe 3,000 people in here, & I have no idea who any of them are. I feel so alone. Let's just sit in this closed off section. Hmm, Pakastani speaker from England. Interesting. Start dozing off though. Random quote. "A-holes are everywhere." The author (artist. Good one Kaylyn!) is coming to speak in April. I can't wait to see her. Her book is very good. Lots of insight on the Middle East in comparison to USA. I met a Viet/Chinese guy from Lafitte though. I tried, happy?

One speaker said this book was a memoir of Marjane Satrapi's. In 2028, us general freshman will be the same age as her when she wrote Persepolis. Will we have a memoir? Will it ever exist? And even if it does, who will care about it. At least one. Us. She suggested to everday of your college years to document anything worth mentioning that you accomplished today. Anything in your day worth mentioning. That intrigues me. I might try it. I do want to write a book someday. A memoir of sorts I suppose. But I hate writing. But how else will people ever know I existed? That I felt. Blah, hippie shit.

Take pictures. Lots & lots. I want to see how your lives are going. A picture is worth 1000 words. I love taking pictures. Documenting where I've been. What I've done.

Man getting lost is easy. And it's so hot. I can't wait until winter. I love winter. Though the weather always makes me feel empty & incomplete? Sound crazy? Possibly. I walked around with a huge map in my face. I suppose people pitied me & tried to help. Pointed me in the wrong direction though. Fucker. Long lines everywhere! So not worth it.

If you thought The Fresh Market was nice, Whole Foods is even more extravagent. Even live music. Gelato section. No sushi section though. Major deduction. Water! Haha Kaylyn that moment was GOLDEN! Only you would get laughed at for being compared to a water bottle.

Class starts Monday. Am I prepared? Emotionally? No. Not at all. I miss my old life. I miss my friends. Them the most. I hope I'm missed too. This is what it takes for you to realize what you really value in your life.

1 comment:

Isianya said...

The title's named after something I said. I feel special!