Sunday, January 31, 2010

calculating simple interest

There's a guy that sits to the back of the library, in the group study part. I've seen him here before, maybe twice, it's not like the library is in high volume on a weekend. He's really quiet, his movements. A page turn of mine could fill the damn floor. Today he has a whole box of krispy kremes, but it's empty. It's kind of funny to imagine he ate all that, but more power to ya. His laptop is a brand I've never seen before, but it's white, and I want it. I'm really into white lately...stuff.

Is it weird I'm staring at a guy? He's cute, I wonder what his name is. Of course I'd never have the balls to randomly walk up to a stranger and start a conversation. I so suck at life.

Physics, programming, econ. This is what I'll focus on. I'll make no time on thinking on what if's.

Monday, January 25, 2010

i don't even know you

Today's a horrible day. I just want to crawl back into bed & wish it never happened. I feel like I've lost faith in my fellow man. I want to cry, but it'd be a waste of tears.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The days are running together for me now. "What's today? The 14th? Shut up, nuhuh."

I need to make this one somewhat memorable. I need to be able to go "Oh yeah, that's when ______ happened, that's when I went ______ , that's when I finally got _____ ...I need to be able to fill in these blanks by the next ball drop.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


My computer crashed about a week ago, everything gone. I try not to think about what I've all lost, because it gives me a headache, no really, I get dizzy. I try to look forward. Except for those WG pictures, I freaked out until I realized I still had them on my camera. Thinking back to that, I feel..awkward. Actions & consequences? (7-1=0)

What have I been doing all break? I'm not sure. Random things, & at the same time, nothing. And now school is creeping up, fuck. Though I've been on campus all break anyway, so it's not a complete transition. I always long for days with no agenda, but when I get them, I feel unaccomplished.

I'm still so pissed at my computer. But I guess I have no one to blame but myself. Restore points! Must remember!!