Monday, September 21, 2009

i love part deux

~Google map's 3d feature thing
~post its
~eating while watching food network
~that someone actually made a bronze statue of the shoe that was thrown at Bush
~google translate
~5 gum commercials
~jansport booksacks, they know their shit
~Lucy. Anytime of day, I'll always be in the mood to watch that show
~yawning & feels amazingggg
~karma..ahh nothing like getting your just desserts
~"stuff asian people like"
~oscar going beserk of a dog on tv
~that 70s show..the mom, hilarious
~the internet...3 things i check everyday: fb, porn, & wikipedia (oh yeah, i love wikipedia as well)
~Dat Phan..damn him, he's funny
~reggaeton.. -that- is the jam
~dice-shaped beads
~ordering eggs's not even my favorite form of egg, but it's fun being the difficult one
~converse shoes, as bad arch support they are
~meat..yes, i know, that's what she said.
~225 magazine
~youtube hd
~hot chocolate on a cold day
Nefarious purposes
~orange soda..not as close as Kel, though
~Peter’s endless fight with the chicken

~Merely clicking “L” for Louisiana
~fml..makes me feel better about my own
~Microsoft onenote
~phallic symbols
~Anthony Bourdain & Andrew Zimmern..for different aspects, though.
~the microwave ~“A Modest Proposal”

~Playing the drum with my hands

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