Wednesday, May 13, 2009


My spin on Dante's classic:

*:extra hell for you


  • people who update their status every 5 minutes (I don't care that you're eating spaghettios and are about to go to work)
  • people who become a fan of everything imaginable
  • people who forward or suggest random shit
  • people who upload pictures of the most insignificant stuff*
  • people who quote the bible

  • liars
  • bad liars
  • adulterers*
  • people who say one thing, but do another
  • immoral people*
  • people who don't keep their word*
  • traitors (Dante got that one right)
  • people hating something they don't know
  • people who don't stand up for themselves yet expect it to be done
  • people who never give but always receive*
Bad Drivers

  • senior citizen drivers*
  • slow drivers
  • reckless drivers
  • drivers who don't let you merge
  • people who own dilapidated cars with nice rims
  • drivers with the music loud and the window down just so everyone can hear it too
  • drunk drivers
  • jaywalkers
Irresponsible, Immature, Ignorant People

  • parents who bring their children to adult places*
  • loud children
  • children in general
  • asians, anyway
  • asians who hate soy sauce
  • people ignorant, ashamed, or indifferent to their heritage and culture
  • viet parents who don't speak to their children in viet
  • viet parents who don't name their children consistently (no, you can't have all the children with viet names but one)
  • people who think cursing is oh-so terrible*
  • people who burst into song randomly
  • close minded people
  • flakes*
  • people who don't acknowledge the past
  • people who never try new things
  • people who don't say goodbye
  • people who wrap everything in religion
  • people who push religion on me*
  • people who judge a book by its cover
  • people who deny the obvious
  • people who doodle on tests
  • people who don't do what their supposed to do
  • people who put everything off until the last possible minute
  • people who have their priorities explicitly not together
  • people who don't take responsibility for their actions
  • people who don't have an opinion, but just follows the herd

Bad teachers

  • professors that BUTCHER names (dan-TEE), terms (velacity)
  • teachers who just don't give a damn
  • graduate student professors*
  • teachers that don't teach
  • teachers that can't teach*
People I Hate

  • know-it-alls
  • people who always lecture me*
  • people who scoff at me for being a math major
  • attention whores
  • people who wear socks and slippers
  • people who have an iphone, an ipod, & a mac
  • people who go to ryan street high
  • the "what-if" people*
  • people who write checks at stores and make people in line behind them wait forever*
  • the vain & conceited
  • people who think a B is literally the end of the world as we know it
  • people who never face reality
  • people who order me around (Hell. No.)*
  • braggers
  • people who love that small, crappy lake town
  • people who always go on the offense to everything i say*
  • a few of those lsmsa kids
  • people who think i'm weird just because i'm allergic to peanuts
  • people who say new orlEEEns, nawlins & baton rouJe
  • people who correct me!*

Yeah these are probably bad circles. They're not even in order or anything. Is that nine circles yet? Damn, just 6. Oh well, 6 is a Hellish number so there.

I just wrote this randomly since I stepped on the book earlier today & it came into mind. I'll probably keep updating this as it comes to mind.

~Divina Commedia~

1 comment:

Isianya said...

Damn... I think I'm going to burn like 8 times. XP Thanks, Harrison.