Saturday, January 31, 2009

now's the time

In recent days, I've had numerous..debatable discussions about topics all across the board: life, the future, religion, politics, academia, & such in the most random of places & times: at work, in class, out, online.. It seems everyone has something different to say everytime, & that's interesting. I feel more enlightened (& college-y) talking about my views on so-and-so & hearing their input. Sometimes I feel outshadowed by them, feeling naive & unaware of the world I'm in.

I feel so unaccomplished already at age 18. Those around me already seem to have done so much, experience various feats, been all over the world. My peers tell me there's plenty of time to experience, to change my life to how I want it to be. I hope I'm not too late..

I spent too much of last semester turning to the past, trying to hold on. This year, it isn't so. I'm looking forward with high hopes. Experience new things, meet new people, go to new a new me.

1 comment:

Miss A to Z said...

it's good that you are having these great conversations with other people. (:

i don't know a lot of people that i /want/ to have conversations with.

but what you wrote about, the first big chunk, that's like.../the/ college thing to do. chill at a coffee place, and chat about random fucking shit from pattern recognition to that crazy video on youtube with a hamster and some popcorn.

you've got to introduce me to the new harrison ;P he sounds like a neat fellow.