Monday, October 27, 2008

jj lin loooooove

"Bearbicks take a shit on my sofa.."

Yeah... but that smile can launch 1000 ships, I swear.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Tôi đau đớn. Tôi đang xấu hổ. Tôi không biết. Tôi không biết những gì để cảm thấy nữa. Tôi lấy một cơ hội, nhưng mất. Bước đầu tiên, là rất khó. Những số một bên thua câm. Tại sao tôi con số đó sẽ mãi mãi được một cơ hội giữa chúng tôi? Những gì đau nhất là bạn sẽ không bao giờ thực sự nói rằng: không có. Bạn còn lại nó đến cho tôi để có được câu trả lời. Tôi không thể tha thứ cho bạn rằng. Sẽ được điều bao giờ hết, trong cùng một lần nữa? Is it in the stars that I'm destined to be alone?

Kick in tears, give me reason.

word to the wise

It's not cold enough until you can see your breath

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

in comparison

I walk by a woman passing out flyers. She looks seemingly nice, friendly, smiles to everyone who makes eye contact. I get handed one too. Interestingly enough, it says in big bold letters THE AWFUL FATE OF THE LOST SOUL. In summation, it says we're all going to Hell.

I walk by another person, some white guy that looks like he'd rather be home sleeping or up to no good. I can sympathize. He hands me a pamphlet also. Turns out to be a Chinese restaurant's takeout menu. "Eat as mush as you can." Lovely.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a little closer to home

In the corner of my eye, I watch you. You're in my mind everyday. I wonder if it means something.

Tôi không chắc chắn lý do tại sao tôi muốn bạn, lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ về bạn. Nhưng khi tôi làm thế, tôi cảm thấy hạnh phúc, nội dung. Tình trạng khốn cùng? Tôi xin lỗi.

Monday, October 20, 2008

brrrrr rhymes with fur

BRRR! It's cold in here. I said there must be some (-shrug-) in the atmosphere.

Yeah...shorts on a winter-esque day. Not the smartest move.

Monday, October 13, 2008

4 score pt. II

Turns out it was about a time capsule haha. Go figure.

Well, I've got the present picture. Let's see what it'll look like in 20 years. September 22, 2028? I'll be there.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

astro babble

When our Sun becomes a red giant, it will puff up with a diameter of 1 AU. In other words, we're dead.

Monday, October 6, 2008

fucking failed

I want to cry. Really. The tears aren't responding...

I fail in school. I fail in love. I fail in life. 18 years of preparation for shit.

What happened to that spark that kept me going? It's gone...gone! What can I do? Drugs? Will that make me whole again?

I don't know why I'm becoming the person I am. I don't like him.

Is it too late to change? Is recovery an option? Where's that rewind button?

I'm scared. The future looks bleak.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

ready 2 rip your hair out?

So according to my Calculus professor, -- a short, blinged-out, football-crazed man that is always so sure of himself that he'll bet his house (numerous times) that he's right. -- sociologists report that college, after raising children & getting a divorce, is the most stressful experience of your life.

"If you don't find college stressful, you must not be doing it right."

I'm rather indifferent. I suppose it still hasn't clicked that this is the time. Bullshitting your way through can't save your ass anymore. Darn...

Haha I read a facebook status that said "My grades are slipping faster than the DOW!" Sad thing is, I can relate. Fuck.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

in regards to my first...

How have you been? I'm fine. I think. Holding up well? I haven't talked to you I don't plan on ever after this.

I think about you on occasion. I wonder if you still live there. If you're happy. If you're committed to another.

It's not that I miss you, but rather your presence. Things turned out so because of this. Because of you, because of me.

Did you trust me more than I you? I always had my doubts. Of course I was right. Now I wished I hadn't been. Too late...

Whatever the case, I wish you well.

You'll always be the first.
