Sunday, September 28, 2008

wrong side of the bed

Ever wake up when the birds are chirping, the sunlight beams shine into your room, & ur pissed as fuck? Foulest of moods. Yeah, that's me right now. And I have a lot to be mad about. Fucking roaches that need to be stomped. Trust me. Don't start anything you're NOT man enough to finish.

Let's see how the rest of the day goes..

Friday, September 26, 2008


WOW! What an experience, what a rush! My first concert did not fail to disappoint already high expectations. So much fun that it's hard to imagine what tops it.

Today started off interestingly enough. Woke up at 7:30. SNOOZE. Ended up skipping my only class of the day & really got up at 9:45. YAY to skipping my first college class to sleep in! *checks off on list of college must-dos* I still had to go on campus to go to a madatory TOPS meeting though. Man, the parking is horrendous after 10. I had to tail a girl leaving in order just to get a spot. Still far, too.

The meeting was rather redundant. Nothing I didn't already know or could find out on a website or brochure. But I did learn that in order to ensure your TOPS scholarship for all 8 semesters it is strongly suggested that you reapply every semester...or year. Not sure. Hmm.

Went over to Africa. Hung out with Kaylyn shooting the breeze & discussing a rather hindrance of a person. Once Adrianna got back we headed out to start our night on the town! Once out of BFE, Hello Sushi. Really. That's what the restaurant is called. Haha. It was rather nice. Went all out on implementing the theme anywhere possible. Sushi menu scantron? Very clever. Prices weren't bad. I want their tshirt hehe. Our waiter's bald head shined so bright I couldn't look directly or get blinded.

Adrianna & Kaylyn dropped their Jaguar label for a night to rep it up for LSU! Rocked that gold!

And now concert time! Initially, not much spirit. People just wanted to see celebs haha. Sean Kingston went out & rocked that shit. His bling was so big we were getting blinded every time the light hit it..again. Haha. Gavin? Wow! AT LEAST 12 songs. & he sounds just as good live as on his cds. Got a little preoccupied with his guitarist though hehe. Damn he has a wife & child though. We were so close to the stage! The pictures do NOT do it justice. Sitting down in the back would have been a completely different experience.

So to sum it up, at the end of the concert, I had an aching back, a sore throat, a trobbing right ear, & itchy eyes...& yet I'd do all over again.

Monday, September 22, 2008

4 scores....divided by 4


In the quad there's a fountain. It's nice but not that extravagant. L'auberge's is nicer. But in front of the fountain there's a metal plaque embedded into the ground. It says something about what will remain in that spot in 2076. I didn't really stop much to observe & study it. But it got my mind reeling. What IS going to be there? Will it be underwater? Demolished? Paved over? Or just that way it is?

Now the likes of me being alive in 68 years is unlikely to me. I'll probably commit suicide at the sight of my first grey hair. So I'm making a plan. I wholeheartedly want to follow through with this. In 20 years from this day-- September 22, 2008 -- I want to come back to that spot. Though possibly nothing substantial would have changed I figure, I still want to come back & see what remains, what was erected, & what will become of it.

I'm going to try to take a panoramic picture of the quad from that spot & when I return I to compare to see the changes & what used to be. Hmm.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

u won't regret it

Study. PLEASE study. Please please please! Cherry on top! Stop waiting for the apathy to kick in!


"The moon had ducked behind the clouds again, casting us in shadows. "

Intriguing line, even more so from where I read it. ;P

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

swag = gold

So today LSU hosted a Career Expo for the students & alumni. I was afraid I was underdressed since it was suggested to dress business casual & I was just...casual. VERY casual. Luckily I wasn't the only one not dressed the part. They didn't seem to take me so seriously, though. In spite, I just grabbed a bunch of stuff of their tables. Not even sure what it was or the company promoting it, whatever I saw I pretty much took. It was fun. I filled up a whole totebag of promotional crap.
Me: "Can I have one of those?"
Random representative: "Haha your bag seems to be filled up."
Me:"My pockets still have some space."
-snatches & walks away-

They had some really cool stuff. Pens, highlighters, printer paper, notepads, quadrilles, flighlights, frisbees, A FUCKING MP3 SPEAKER SET. Amazing. I wished I took more than one. Damn. It was like Xmas morning for me. If only I took more! A few asians I saw brought their booksacks to fill it up. Smart move.

The expo was pretty cool & beneficial for what careers are in the real world. Oh yeah! L'auberge was supposed to have a station set up but cancelled. Whew! Now that would have been awkward. I didn't talk to any of the reps. Didn't even really see what companies were there. Noticed Microsoft though. The companies are mainly looking for seniors graduating college & entering the workforce anyways. I'll give it another go next year. Note to self: empty booksack.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

gettin bak in2 da groove

Man, there's like 200 computers in the library & I practically had to kill to get access to one. Hmm, half an hour before my last class starts. I have to find some way to spend two hours of dead time on Tuesdays. They should build a nap room. Well maybe not; it'd most likely be used for OTHER purposes.

So I'm getting used to this life. Not that I'm satisfied with it. Wake up, drive to school, sit in class, go home. Not much social..ness going on. In fact, I haven't said a word to anyone today. Me, the man who will find any excuse to speak. It's my fault. I expect people to always come to me, to take the first step. Now I suppose it's my turn. Fuck.

I need to get a job. Anything. I'm getting too swipe-happy on my credit card. (Though I did get nice remarks from the cashiers!) Up until I was reminded about rescheduling my pharmacy technician exam, I completely forgot about considering that. It isn't required for you to be certified for the job within the first six months or so. In fact, working there before could get me better training for the test. Blah, semantics.

It seems the LSU faculty fancies the word arbitrarily. Well, if you can fit that into your daily jargon, be my guest.

Things I've noticed around LSU
~the urinals are too high....or I'm too short
~Tiger card = gold! one girl has over $300 on hers & I about died of shock.
~if it's not an iphone, it's a blackberry.
~lunch rush? Psht. Always busy. Never a slow period.
~professors are just as lazy as the students.
~the foreign exchange asians wear rectangle framed glasses. Some don't even have a prescription. How weird is that?
~smokers think they're cool. you're not.
~EVERYDAY IS SPIRIT DAY. How many LSU labeled clothes do you need anyway? All cars (including mine, hehe) have some kind of LSU decal.
~coffee is the new water.
~everything is overpriced. $30 for shorts?! Hell no!
~hard rock cafe shirts are a fashion statement.
~free newspapers. YAY. The student written ones love to talk about sex & advertise alcohol.
~what's with all the gray hairs?

There's other stuff too. More later.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


They change.