Monday, November 26, 2007

the art of procrastination ends the week of relaxation and recuperation. Sure I told myself I would devote my spare time to obligations such as chores and homework, yet I show up in the hall of my next class emptyhanded from a home in complete disarray. Sure I had spare time to do such tasks, but somehow I found it much more meaningful to jump in an elevator and play "Scene-It", haha. It's not to say that I don't enjoy the time I spend in leisure, but all play and no WORK makes Harrison a lazy boy. So I sit in front of the computer about to start the dutiful assignments that rain on me like an April shower...somehow persuasion that lying in bed watching I Love New York Reruns is much more fulfilling and that I can always do homework later fills my mind. I swear the Harrison-devil on my right shoulder annihilated the angel long ago. Procrastination is something that


Friday, November 23, 2007

Belated Turkey Praise

Once a year we are graced with the momentous occasion to spend time with our loved ones that are near & dear to our hearts. Thanksgiving is very vague and unfamiliar to me. Is there anything beyond the hustle and bustle of scrounging for a steroid-injected turkey and pies of various flavors? What does this food represent? Love? Thanks? Is this holiday looked at as a time for rejoice (yay Christmas!) amongst those closest, or a get-together for munching on those breasts (the turkey's of course.) Well all in all I don't have much to complain about. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food to eat (yummy at that). What I'm thankful for? Seriously? OK then, let's go.

Family....As much as I complain and detest them, they could be much worse. I never look to my family and think that I'm not loved. Dad means well, I think. My sister is a caring person who looks out for my best interests. Living with their asses is a level of Hell, yet life without them is truly Hell. Thankful is just an understatement.

Friends.....Those who actually put up with the monstrosity of Harrison Taylor Phan deserve a medal. So many moments when it's almost surreal that someone could see beyond my brash exterior and find that I, too, have a sensitive, emotional heart. I thank you for accepting me and including me into your lives. Good friends mean more to me than you will ever know. I only hope I have as positive an effect on you as you do on me.

Life.....Sometimes I space out into the depths of imagination(-land, haha) and wonder why me? What is so significant in my life that this world wouldn't be better off without? It doesn't cut it to say that I am glad to be alive. To experience the wonders and joys of this crazy, exciting planet. The future holds much just yet to be had. I'll grasp it, and I hope I won't be alone...


Thursday, November 8, 2007

time is relative

....with every glance it seems the clock dashes to another wasted hour.