Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I took a nap today. But it was far from pleasent. A nightmare reared its ugly head into my mind. I had died. And yet I could still see everyone, as a ghost I suppose. And everything was..normal. Nothing had changed. So when I woke up and found out it was nothing but a dream, the feeling of worry and fear still filled my mind. What if I die tomorrow? And worse, what if no one cares?


Miss A to Z said...

dreams are...based solely on emotions and hardly ever mean anything literal. I've never had a dream where I've died before...I would probably be freaked out too.

But know this, there are many people that would miss you, me includedd (:

i think my life would decrease at least fifty percent in hilariousness.

Miss A to Z said...

also: who would smack me around when i'm going crazy?

Isianya said...

*raises hand* Me too!

I'd cry so much. And sink into a deep, deep depression. You would be missed very much.

EDIT: Haha. Made a mistake first time I posted that.