Thursday, November 19, 2009

la dee da

I'm at work now, but I'd rather write a post than actually do what I'm paid for. I actually haven't really invested much effort into anything lately, I'm do apathetic about everything, which I know will bring really bad consequences.

I guess one thing I've been keeping up with is music, though I guess that's just a hobby. I keep listening to ballads lately. Alot of Vietnamese songs are actually about sadness, so I wonder what that says about our culture. The pain of emotions, to put in lyrics and convey it is something special.

Okay: the future. What am I going to do tomorrow? Next month? Next year? I keep thinking about where my life is going, and what I can do at this point in time. But all I'm thinking about now is going home & taking a nap. Typical.

Monday, November 2, 2009

well, on the other hand

Halloween is done, & I've seen some pretty comical costumes. I didn't dress up as anything, but now I kinda wish I had.

This has got me thinking. Villains. We all hate villains, right? With every hero comes a villain who's only objective seems to bring the downfall of the cherished do-gooder.

If I had to pick, I think I'd rather be the bad guy. People like to like the good guys, but they love to hate the bad guys. It draws you in, wondering what a villain will do next.

Anyway, I'm just at working, not working as usual. That's evil, right?

still around

Ya know, in person, I'd have alot to say. On paper, on screen, not so much. Writing just isn't my forte.