Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If everyone is destined for something, everyone has a passion in life, well..what's mine? What am I destined for? What am I meant to be, to do?

So I'm sitting in this meeting for a club I'm not even in, & they start talking. They seem really engaged in what they do, talking about graduate school, and what kind of future it'll provide for them. So then I think about it, and how that relates to me. Am I passionate in what I do? Do I strive to excel in it? Do I know where it'll take me?

No. Nothing. Zip.

Math..I don't hate hate it. I can tolerate it. On a certain level I do like it. But I've reached my peak. I find myself not being able to put my heart in it. And I can't make a life of something I don't -want- to be doing. Where's there to go in math anyway? Standing in front of a chalkboard doing math problems? No.

My sister keeps telling me to do engineering, & the benefits are favorable. There's just enough math, but not -only- math. They make BANK. There's lots of opportunites out there for an engineer, the career fair had loads of companies looking for engineers. So the cons..I don't have one. Not one! The only thing I can think of is the building's far, and that's a shitty excuse. So why isn't it appealing me?! Oh yeah, it's alot of hard work, more work I'm afraid I won't be able to commit to.

I'll give math a last ride, talk to advisors, see if my opinion for it changes. But the thought of chalk in my hands for a living, that's just not me.

Monday, September 21, 2009

i love part deux

~Google map's 3d feature thing
~post its
~eating while watching food network
~that someone actually made a bronze statue of the shoe that was thrown at Bush
~google translate
~5 gum commercials
~jansport booksacks, they know their shit
~Lucy. Anytime of day, I'll always be in the mood to watch that show
~yawning & feels amazingggg
~karma..ahh nothing like getting your just desserts
~"stuff asian people like"
~oscar going beserk of a dog on tv
~that 70s show..the mom, hilarious
~the internet...3 things i check everyday: fb, porn, & wikipedia (oh yeah, i love wikipedia as well)
~Dat Phan..damn him, he's funny
~reggaeton.. -that- is the jam
~dice-shaped beads
~ordering eggs's not even my favorite form of egg, but it's fun being the difficult one
~converse shoes, as bad arch support they are
~meat..yes, i know, that's what she said.
~225 magazine
~youtube hd
~hot chocolate on a cold day
Nefarious purposes
~orange soda..not as close as Kel, though
~Peter’s endless fight with the chicken

~Merely clicking “L” for Louisiana
~fml..makes me feel better about my own
~Microsoft onenote
~phallic symbols
~Anthony Bourdain & Andrew Zimmern..for different aspects, though.
~the microwave ~“A Modest Proposal”

~Playing the drum with my hands